We really are nearly there. In many ways it’s been more hard work than I realised and in other ways it’s just receding horizons. As with most things I undertake I set myself a minimum goal, smashed it and then had to keep re-setting it. For the launch of The Training Flat I had calmed myself with the prospect of achieving about 75% of what needed doing in time. My justification for this low target was a good one. When young people get their first flat, they too want everything looking fabulous immediately. Every one of us that has moved house knows that this is not possible and best laid plans… Some things can’t really be done until something else has been done first and sometimes it’s simply outside your control. This has very much been the overwhelmingly positive experience with The Training Flat. I can’t think of a more collegiate and collaborative experience that has brought so much positivity from so many well-meaning people. If we undertake more of these in other towns and cities (and I very much hope we do), we’ve learnt a vast amount about what can be achieved, the time it really takes, the cost and power of asking for help. Great lessons for our young people getting their first home.