Review of our Vision and Mission
In the autumn of 2022 Your Own Place undertook a thorough and robust strategic review. Working with partners past and present as well as those we exist fo support, such as the diligent members of YOPAB, we explored in a series of workshops where we are in the current turbulent world.
Following a successful year, albeit extraordinarily hard on our people, our funds and our communities, we are pleased to say that we concluded the following:
- The Mission and Vision of Your Own Place will remain unchanged. Our mission is to prevent homelessness and our vision is that everyone has a safe and secure home.
- Our commitment to our values of ensuring people receive the highest quality service, we measure and report transparently on the difference we make and include people with a range of lived of experience in our design remains unchanged.
- We remain committed to communities, building relationships and people facing increased risk of homelessness. As an innovative social enterprise, we also continue to seek a diverse income that means delivering contracts where we can add value, make a difference and do a fantastic job. Sometimes this will be beyond East Anglia, but never beyond our mission, values and expertise.
As a social enterprise our role is not to stand still. To do so would almost certainly mean our demise. We must adapt, within our values, to the needs of people and communities around us, whilst being open to opportunities and partnerships that align and bring value.
As we approach our tenth birthday, we have launched this new website that outlines our clarity of vision in what Your Own Place does well and seeks to do more of across sectors, partners and communities.
How we make a difference
Following the strategic review and the deeper understanding of who we must continue to work with in order to make a difference alongside what it is that enables us to achieve this, we clarified our core Service Offers, that can be found in detail on this website. They are:
- Pre-tenancy workshops with a focus on Money, Tenancy and Cost of Living
- Community workshops that build on the success of taking our Money Skills workshops and 1-2-1 sessions into foodbanks and social supermarkets
- Move-on 1-2-1 support sessions with a more practical focus on Money, Tenancy & Cost of Living
- Train the Trainer for partner agencies, Schools Employability workshops, Schools Money Skills workshops, Employability workshops and Tenant Voice
From Rebecca, CEO and founder of Your Own Place
‘I’m thrilled to have heard so many voices during this review and to understand better what it is about Your Own Place that people value and find special such as building relationships, hearing people’s voices and being flexible and determined in reaching people. Hearing this means we can make the decision to keep doing more of it, with greater clarity and with the aim of high quality and transparent impact on people’s lives. Reaching people across communities, when those communities may not be physical, but have in common a risk of homelessness, a situation not of their own making, is in our DNA. We will work with partners who also share a drive and passion to see people thrive in their own homes and not have to face the utter horror of preventable homelessness’.
Please contact Rebecca with any questions about the work of Your Own Place rebecca@yourownplace.org.uk