We’re so excited to be entering 2017 with a new model of delivery. We believe that thinking in this way is what sets us apart as an innovative social enterprise. Like our young people we are not seeking handouts and want to be upfront about the benefits of getting involved with an organisation such as ours. Thanks to funding last year we ran two successful Volunteer Tenancy Mentoring projects. Whilst grateful for the opportunity to test these ideas out, one year of funding to establish and evaluate a project of this complexity is just woefully naive on the funder’s part.
We must move away from short-term funding if we’re serious about systemic social change. And that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. Finding a way to secure the revenue for a longer-term thinking. We’re currently looking at a three-pronged model to resourcing our Mentoring programme. All three prongs have track records elsewhere.
One is working with large local employers to buy in Mentoring training for their staff as an HR service. This is hugely appealing to employers who know that volunteering creates more motivated and committed employees. This model has the potential to run over four or five years.
With this financial kickstart we can then provide mentors to our customers at a vastly reduced cost – but nonetheless that’s our second revenue stream.
And thirdly, we’re increasingly seeing volunteers pay to volunteer in other models across the country. This is being explored to broaden our volunteer base and invite people to sign up through a bespoke website.
So you see, none of this will happen overnight, but when it does, it has longevity built in. Our young people deserve services that stick with them and we hope you’ll be excited enough to come on board with some of the most innovative ideas in the sector.