This week from Simone.
I drove in to work this morning, rather than walking in the sunshine, as I had a meeting booked with a young woman in Yarmouth who is interested in having one of our mentors.
I love this part of my job. It is a pleasure to explain that there are people out there who happily give up their time for another human being.
On the way I got a message to say that she was no longer able to see me today as she had been offered work.
There is lots of talk of how the ‘gig economy’ and zero hours contracts effect peoples finances, but what about the knock on effect on other aspects of their lives?
Luckily, I am happy to find another time to see her, but she is not the only one of the young people we work with who has to drop other plans when work is offered. Countless appointments must have to be rearranged, including those for physical or mental health, plans to see family and friends, boring jobs like the washing and life admin constantly having to be fitted in elsewhere.
This constant rearranging must be exhausting and in turn have knock on effects. Not all organisations are as open to giving third, fourth, fifth chances as we are. And this has a financial cost for our business too.
Whilst I have been writing this she has responded to my offer of meeting her tomorrow. She lets me know that she is also working tomorrow as “I have two jobs”. I have asked her to let me know when she might be free next.
Fingers crossed I will be able to move my plans to accommodate her ever changing work schedule.