And so we must say goodbye to Alex. This is a big moment for her and for me and for Your Own Place. All the old adages are true about preparing your people for their future – and not yours.
Of course it’s filled with sadness, but principally I’m so proud of her. I’m thrilled that her career is taking off and she’s staying in this sector. She’s off to do something close to my heart and my early career too!
It is my personal hope that we have helped to shape her future career and her values and that as an organisation she has been equipped with the skills to do great work elsewhere.
She was our first recruit. As such she knows more about Your Own Place than anyone else. Probably more than she wants to or should! She has been my confidante and at times we have locked horns. But the relationships ends well and we wish her the very, very best.
You can’t hold on to someone for ever, even when that feels the easiest and most comfortable thing to do. It’s right for her and it’s right for Your Own Place.