PhDs, annoying memes and much more has been written about this.
Since first managing a team over ten years ago the world has changed, I have changed and employee expectations have changed.
Without the team we don’t exist and we don’t have an impact. So I guess it’s right that it should be the one thing that causes me most anxiety and cause for concern.
I think these things work best. I’m not saying that I’ve got them right or do them as much as I’d like to. Do as I say and not as I do….
1. Be available – which means listening (not interrupting and no devices).
2. Treating people as independent sentient individuals who believe their truth as much as you believe yours.
3. Being open to being disagreed with and creating a culture when that’s not just ok, but encouraged.
4. Lead by example – admit your faults, model behaviours and language.
5. Be clear, fair, consistent and honest.