Your Own Place is an award-winning social enterprise delivering Money, Housing, Tenancy and Cost of Living support to prevent homelessness
Tenant Engagement
Your Own Place has demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics associated with tenant meetings. Their attention to detail and ability to manage logistics has resulted in seamless and productive meetings with the outcomes influencing key strategic decisions.
– Rebecca Claydon, Customer Engagement Manager, Freebridge Community Housing
Relationships First
Everything Your Own Place does starts with values, relationships, quality, impact and trust.
We build relationships with tenants, empowering them to share their voice, including scrutiny of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). We build relationships with your team, co-producing agendas and workplans, to ensure we achieve the desired outcomes
We are experts in involvement, engagement and participation. We achieve tenant feedback through facilitating focus groups, champion forums and other committees.
We run the sessions in engaging and interactive ways of ways to maximise engagement and inclusion.
Why Tenant Engagement?
Tenants being heard and supported is more important than ever. This goes to the heart of customers getting the service to which they are entitled. Strategic, organisational change happens as a result of co-produced solutions with people who are receiving the service you provide.
For further enquires and bookings contact
With an award-winning approach to our delivery, rooted in equity, empathy, empowerment and always informed by lived experience, this is a great fit for us. Whether it’s wider tenant and community engagement, tenant scrutiny or gathering information and insight, our inclusive and creative Pinpoint facilitation methodology works in any room to ensure all voices are heard.
What we do
As an independent third party, we capture and amplify tenant voices, evaluate and review progress, engage more tenants, deliver focus groups, feed back to you, deliver reports for your governance structures and support you to understand, embed, communicate and make service changes. Through building trusting relationships we facilitate the mutually beneficial cycle of service improvement.
Your Own Place has been absolutely fantastic in helping to empower our supported living residents in Norfolk to use their voice to shape our services and explore their future aspirations. Over the last year, they’ve provided support and expertise in their unique way to build trust and rapport with our residents.
The interactive workshops have been well received and the feedback has allowed us to focus our service on what matters most to our residents. Your Own Place has helped our residents on their journey to independent living, and we look forward to exploring other ways we can work together in the future.
– Joe Leighton, Community Investment Officer for Sanctuary Group
Your Own Place has demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics associated with tenant meetings. They have consistently shown a proactive, creative and engaging approach in organising and coordinating our Service Champion Forums, ensuring that all Service Champions are well-informed and engaged. Their attention to detail and ability to manage logistics has resulted in seamless and productive meetings with the outcomes influencing key strategic decisions.
The team at Your Own Place is comprised of individuals who are not only skilled in event planning but also possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills. They have been effective in facilitating open and constructive dialogue between Freebridge and its customers/tenants, creating an environment that encourages collaboration and problem-solving.
– Rebecca Claydon, Customer Engagement Manager, Freebridge Community Housing
What do tenants say ?
‘Thoroughly enjoy the sessions, learning the work
[the social landlord] undertake from the inside. Certainly gives a better understanding of the organisation: of the duty of care, missions, rules etc. for all their tenants.’
‘The facilitators are very good, especially when views are different, bringing the group back to the same space.’
‘Being part of something that can help make positive changes.’”
‘Open discussions, division into groups, freedom to agree or disagree and debate on projects without judgement, seeing progress being made.’
‘Getting a much better understanding of how [our housing association] works moving forward.’
‘If what we spoke about in the meeting starts to manifest for everyone in the schemes, people can better their situations’.
80% of tenants we work with say they feel listened to
86% of tenants feel empowered to share their opinion
Nearly 100% of our trainees say they would recommend our sessions
The team at Your Own Place is comprised of individuals who are not only skilled in event planning but also possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills. They have been effective in facilitating open and constructive dialogue between us and our customers/tenants, creating an environment that encourages collaboration and problem-solving.
Our Mission is to prevent homelessness
Our Vision is that everyone has a safe and secure home
Get in Touch:
Please use the contact form to get in touch:
Tel: 01603 611910
23 Johnson Place
©Your Own Place CIC. We are registered in England and Wales. Company number 08751344. All our profits go to back into the business and in supporting the Your Own Place Advisory Board (YOPAB)