Well now you can with Train the Trainer dates now available from July
With our flexible Train the Trainer offer there is now the opportunity to embed the Your Own Place tenancy sustainment and money support approaches and knowledge in your organisation as well as have access to a vault of resources, workshop plans and support.
Your Own Place has built a stellar reputation for its delivery of Train the Trainer workshops.
With a proven track record of developing colleagues in housing associations, supported housing and the third sector to become confident and empathic trainers in their own right, our workshops are designed to provide comprehensive money, housing and tenancy knowledge, practical training skills, and engagement techniques that inspire confidence in supporting your tenants and residents.
Whether it’s our use of neuro-diverse friendly Pinpoint facilitation that’s always intrigued you, or the coaching, restorative and asset-based approaches, or maybe the content of a budgeting session, together we’ll take a Show-Do-Review approach as you build your skills as a confident facilitator.
Options to train include a spot purchase option (four three-hour workshops in Norwich with the first two coming as a package) as well as more bespoke group workshops if you want us to train up a whole team and come to you – anywhere in the country.
Spot purchase participants will be able to book immediately onto the first two or all four workshops.
Join us at Your Own Place to reach more people to make a difference in preventing homelessness and experience the transformative power of our Train the Trainer workshops firsthand.
Visit our webpage to book your spot purchase place now.